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Sam Gray

Sam Gray photo Sam Gray
  • Legacy

I’m Sam Gray, and for years I struggled to find a fitness routine that I loved. I’ve struggled with feelings of inadequacy and not feeling “ready” to begin something new. I’ve been unhappy with what I saw in the mirror, avoided the scale and told myself I would start “tomorrow” too many times to count. While in college, I lived a fairly active lifestyle going on hikes, playing in the intramural volleyball league on campus, and going snowboarding, but never specifically trained for anything. After a hard breakup, I took up long-distance running to help cope with overwhelming emotions. It was then that my love for running and fitness developed. I then found CrossFit unexpectedly and immediately loved it. I loved connecting with the community and immediately felt welcome. It soon became clear that my passion was to help others experience their capabilities. I love being a CrossFit coach because it allows me to help others see their true potential even when they can’t see it themselves. I love sharing the excitement of seeing our members reach their goals and living their best life!

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